
Live Blood Cell Analysis: The Impact of Blushield on Blood Health

Live Blood Cell Analysis: The Impact of Blushield on Blood Health

25th Apr 2024

Background: A detailed live blood cell analysis was conducted on a male subject in his mid-thirties who was continuously exposed to high levels of electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Common in today's digital age, the subject was frequently in contact with electrical devices, including computers and gaming consoles. Coupled with a poor diet and lack of physical exercise, the scenario was typical of m …
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Year Long Study At A Poultry Farm

Year Long Study At A Poultry Farm

25th Apr 2024

In the serene outskirts of Tauranga, New Zealand, an intriguing agricultural experiment has revealed the potential of Blushield technology to significantly enhance poultry farming. Initially noted for its unexpected effects in a neighboring cattle barn in Minnesota, USA, where it seemed to double the egg production of an adjacent henhouse, Blushield technology was put through rigorous scientific t …
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Analysis: The Positive Impact Of Blushield Devices On A Dairy Herd

Analysis: The Positive Impact Of Blushield Devices On A Dairy Herd

25th Apr 2024

Upon arrival at the dairy processing plant, milk undergoes automatic testing to measure the level of somatic cells present. Somatic cells, which include white blood cells, naturally occur in all milk. Their concentration serves as a crucial indicator of milk quality and the overall health of the dairy cows. Typically, an elevated somatic cell count signifies that cows have been subjec …
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