
The Benefits of Blocking EMF Radiation: Protect Your Health

The Benefits of Blocking EMF Radiation: Protect Your Health

5th Jun 2024

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are all around us, from our smartphones to Wi-Fi routers. While these invisible waves power our modern conveniences, they can also pose potential health risks. This blog explores the benefits of blocking EMF radiation from your body and provides practical tips to reduce your exposure.What Are EMFs and Where Do They Come From?EMFs are generated by electronic devices an …
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Discover the Power of Healing Frequencies

Discover the Power of Healing Frequencies

30th May 2024

Healing Frequencies: Unlocking the Secrets to Wellness Healing frequencies have captivated the interest of scientists, spiritualists, and wellness enthusiasts alike. These frequencies, often associated with specific sound waves, are believed to have profound impacts on our physical, mental, and spiritual health. But what are these frequencies, and how do they work? The Discovery of Hea …
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EMF Radiation From Baby Monitors: Potential Effects On Your Baby's Health

EMF Radiation From Baby Monitors: Potential Effects On Your Baby's Health

20th May 2024

In today's digital age, baby monitors have become essential tools for parents, providing peace of mind by keeping an ear and eye on their little ones. However, with convenience comes concern, particularly about the electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation emitted by these devices. Here we'll discuss the potential impacts of EMF radiation from baby monitors on infants' health and offers practical tips …
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Live Blood Cell Analysis: The Impact of Blushield on Blood Health

Live Blood Cell Analysis: The Impact of Blushield on Blood Health

25th Apr 2024

Background: A detailed live blood cell analysis was conducted on a male subject in his mid-thirties who was continuously exposed to high levels of electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Common in today's digital age, the subject was frequently in contact with electrical devices, including computers and gaming consoles. Coupled with a poor diet and lack of physical exercise, the scenario was typical of m …
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Year Long Study At A Poultry Farm

Year Long Study At A Poultry Farm

25th Apr 2024

In the serene outskirts of Tauranga, New Zealand, an intriguing agricultural experiment has revealed the potential of Blushield technology to significantly enhance poultry farming. Initially noted for its unexpected effects in a neighboring cattle barn in Minnesota, USA, where it seemed to double the egg production of an adjacent henhouse, Blushield technology was put through rigorous scientific t …
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